Donald Trump finally wins something!

Alex Huntesmith
3 min readDec 3, 2020

After losing lawsuit after lawsuit, after lawsuit in this bizarre election fraud conspiracy theory Donald Trump finally has a “victory” in his recent fight to overturn the election results, well a very small, extremely questionable one.

But here’s the thing - it doesn’t even matter because even if it is true this apparent win is a total of 2, not 200, not 2000 but just 2 votes being uncovered as incorrect. The “investigation" only looked into 100 votes, and only uncovered 2, not fraudulent votes but incorrectly duplicated votes, I.e. votes that had to be re-entered manually. This is apparently huge proof of widespread election fraud according to Dr Kelli Ward.

If there was evidence of a pattern, and if this was 2% of all votes then yes, it would be worrying but:

A. There’s no evidence of a pattern. In fact, there’s no evidence of fraud, period


B. This is not 2% of every vote, it is 2 % of 100 duplicated ballots they sampled. Duplicated ballots do not form a large part of the total votes, in fact, only 28,000 votes in Arizona were duplicated. That means that even if 2% of all duplicated votes were “fraudulent” or incorrectly duplicated, and all 2% of these votes were incorrectly duplicated as a vote for President-Elect Biden then only 560 votes would be subtracted from Biden’s total, not enough to make a difference to the result.

This goes against the rhetoric Trump and his allies have been espousing where supposedly we would fine stacks and stacks and stacks of votes that were duplicated for Biden fraudulently.

One of these apparent “fraudulent” votes was supposedly incorrectly handed to Biden, the other was handed to no-one, and arguably not even incorrectly since the voter voted for Donald Trump and a write-in candidate. So, what happened? I’m sure this is obvious to any reasonable observer but its human error. You have to remember these vote(/s) are duplicated by hand, by humans, humans who have been working very hard to uphold democracy on very long shifts. Humans make mistakes, if these mistakes were widespread, it’d be a problem, but it has been shown through multiple recounts now that whilst mistakes are occasionally made, they are minor, and in no way will these small mistakes ever affect the result of the election.

All humans make mistakes, so why can’t they accept that election officials who one must remember are not all Democrats, can? They are just determined to prove their conspiracy theory, and their confirmation bias won’t let them accept any legitimate mistakes as just that, legitimate mistakes.

If you go into an “investigation" with blinders on and only look for and at “evidence" proving your already held beliefs then eventually you will find something to further reinforce those beliefs, this is what this is.

Personally, I would say that the result of this investigation only further cemented the legitimacy of this election.

So, in conclusion; well done Arizona GOP, you uncovered human error and now have a blade of grass to stand on, if you want some legs to stand on instead, then, switch sides? Give up your conspiracy theory? IDK.

My 1st ever article, I hope to get better with time but only practice will get me there but thank you very much for reading.



Alex Huntesmith

Young, aspiring writer trying to get in some practice!